The Wirral Quiz League is always looking to recruit new players or teams and here's how you can get involved.


If you're an individual just send us an email, we will circulate your details and find you a team.


If you're looking to enter a new team, you'll need a licensed venue to host your matches and a squad of 5 or 6 players plus someone to ask the questions every week. Most pubs would be delighted to have 10 thirsty quizzers come in on a Monday or Tuesday evening so just ask your local venue if they can host you. And again, get in touch via email with questions.


If you run a licensed premises and are looking for new ways to create revenue then why not look at entering a team from your establishment into the quiz league. You'll be bringing 5 new people every other week to your venue who would not normally go there and a guaranteed income on home nights. Quizzing is a thirsty business and most players enjoy a few drinks when they play.


Any questions then please get in touch with either the secretary or the chairman whose details can be located under contacts.


We look forward to hearing from you soon.